मध्यप्रदेश के इन जिलों में शुरू होगी”गरीब कल्याण रोजगार अभियान” योजना
भोपाल। प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी द्वारा बिहार के खगड़िया जिले के तेलीहार ग्राम से “गरीब कल्याण रोजगार अभियान” योजना का शुभारंभ कर दिया है। यह योजना देश के छ्ह राज्यों में शुरू होगी।
इस अभियान में बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान, झारखंड और ओडिशा को चुना गया है, जिसमें इच्छा जताने वाले 27 जिले शामिल हैं।
मप्र के जिलों के नाम-
योजना मध्य प्रदेश के बालाघाट, टीकमगढ़, झाबुआ, छ्तरपुर, रीवा, सतना, सागर, पन्ना, भिंड, अलीराजपुर, बैतूल, खंडवा, शहडोल, धार, डिंडोरी, कटनी, छिंदवाड़ा, सिवनी, मंडला, खरगोन, बड़वानी, सीधी, सिंगरोली और शिवपूरी में शुरू होगी। मप्र सरकार ने इस योजना के लिये पूरी तैयारी कर ली गई है।
गरीब कल्याण रोजगार अभियान-Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan
The Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA) is a 125-day Abhiyan launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th June, 2020 with a mission to address the issues of returnee migrant workers and similarly affected rural population by Covid-19 pandemic through a multi- pronged strategy of providing immediate employment & livelihood opportunities to the distressed, to saturate the villages with public infrastructure and creation of livelihood assets to boost the income generation activities and enhance long term livelihood opportunities by giving focus on 25 works in 116 selected districts across 6 States with a resource envelope of Rs 50,000 crore.
State-wise employment generated in persondays and quantum of amount spent so far under Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan’ is as below:
# | State | Mandays Employment
Generated |
(Rs. in Crore) |
1 | BIHAR | 42,46,1946 | 6712.82 |
2 | JHARKHAND | 40,10,287 | 662.24 |
3 | MADHYA PRADESH | 47,78,7323 | 4233.49 |
4 | ODISHA | 74,42,323 | 1000.84 |
5 | RAJASTHAN | 1,11,34,3237 | 6044.25 |
6 | UTTAR PRADESH | 5,90,72124 | 4905.56 |
Total | 27,21,17240 | 23559.20 |
So far the Abhiyaan has been successful in meeting its objectives. The objectives of the Abhiyaan is to provide livelihood employment to the returnee migrants and similarly affected citizens in the rural areas. So far about 27.21 crore mandays employment has been provided under theAbhiyaan.
In the pursuit of objectives of the Abhiyaan, a large number of structures have been created so far. They inter alia includes:
Sl. No. | Activities | |
1. | Community Sanitary Complex (in number) | 6,655 |
2. | Rural Houses (in number) | 3,21,058 |
3. | Cattle Sheds (in number) | 23,705 |
4. | Farm Ponds (in number) | 16,571 |
5. | Goat Sheds (in number) | 4,856 |
6. | Water Conservation & Harvesting Works (in number) | 1,01,094 |
7. | Plantation (including through CAMPA funds) | 72,748 hectare |
8. | Shyama Prasad Mukherjee RURBAN Mission activity (in
number) |
6,759 |
9. | Solid and Liquid Waste Management work (in number) | 16,219 |
10. | Gram Panchayat Bhawan (in number) | 1,063 |
11. | Gram Panchayat made live through internet connectivity(in
number) under Bhartnet project |
1,254 |
Rural Development Ministry and other 11 participating Ministries and six State Government regularly monitors the implementation of the Abhiyaan. A Central Nodal officer has been appointed for each Ahiyaan District to guide and facilitate the districts as also monitor Abhiyaan
activities therein. Constant dialogue with the States and Ministries has been undertaken to facilitate the implementation of the Abhiyaan.
The State wise details of mandays of employment generated are asbelow:
# | State | Mandays Employment Generated |
1 | BIHAR | 42461946 |
2 | JHARKHAND | 4010287 |
3 | MADHYA PRADESH | 47787323 |
4 | ODISHA | 7442323 |
5 | RAJASTHAN | 111343237 |
6 | UTTAR PRADESH | 59072124 |
Total | 272117240 |
The State wise detail of expenditure out of resource envelop of Rs.50,000 crore under the GKRA is asbelow:
# | State | Expenditure (Rs. in Crore) |
1 | BIHAR | 6712.82 |
2 | JHARKHAND | 662.24 |
3 | MADHYA PRADESH | 4233.49 |
4 | ODISHA | 1000.84 |
5 | RAJASTHAN | 6044.25 |
6 | UTTAR PRADESH | 4905.56 |
Total | 23559.20 |
This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Lok Sabha today.